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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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New Briar Pistol Animation

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-26 22:09:00
7 просмотров
after I did a comparison, I did notice a few things. In the standard animation, the character holds the Briar with just one hand. With this mod, the character uses both hands to hold the gun, which would make more sense, \'cause you\'d get better control over the weapon, right? Sure, why not! Also, the player will now hold the gun up-right, as if always aiming, always ready to fire at something. Maybe I missed it, but the screen also shakes a bit when the alternate fire is used at full power. In my opinion, I really don\'t see the need for this type of mod. Being in the heat of battle, I doubt I\'d be thinking about how cool I looked when shooting my Briar pistol. I\'d be more worried about just hitting my target. :) And besides, not many people use the Briar anyways. I would pretty much only use the weapon if I didn\'t have any other ammo for other weapons, or if I simply didn\'t have any weapons at the time. But hey, if you\'re a stickler for perfect animations, then by all means, this animation corrects the defaults. The default animation looks like me running around my back yard with a Super Soaker, back in the old days. ;) The new animation looks how somebody who is trained with weapons should look. So go ahead and download this, and see what it does for you. ~Lord Griever~
tFighterPilot brings us a little mod that will change the animations of the Briar pistol. When I first looked, I didn\'t notice any change between this new animation and the standard animation. But
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