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Jedi Knight II
Perfect Sabers Episode 2 Plus

Perfect Sabers Episode 2 Plus

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-11-28 23:11:00
9 просмотров
obscene comments regarding filefront etc. have been banned. Sorry, but use your head and email us about the download not working instead of lowering yourself to a level far beyond acceptable. - Pro-Filer I have also reset the downloads and user votes. StarWars has done it again! This time with a few MODs packed in to one Zip file. If I were him i would have named it StarWar's Saber Oack or something. Anyway, very nice detail on all 3 MODs: Flame Sabers, Perfect Sabers Ep2, and Enlarged Sabers. My favorite is the Perfect Sabers Ep2, maybe that is why the author named his saber pack that. Very nice detail on the Ep2 Perfect Sabers, they really do look like the ones from the movie. The Flame Sabers MOD makes the cores of the sabers look lke rising flames, very cool! And the Enlarged Sabers MOD makes the cores of the sabers really fat, not my cup of tea, but i guess it is for some of you. Yet again another great saber MOD by StarWars. Keep em coming man!
[b]Updated:[/b] File Fixed! The + in the filename was incompatible with FileFront's system resulting in being unable to download the file. Those idiots that couldn't resist posting some really
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