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Jedi Academy Mod (1.6)

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-02-24 23:02:00
18 просмотров
staple for JK2. Hands down, the best mod for the game. Admin commands were simple, you didn\'t drown in a sea of cvars and there were just enough emotes to keep the players satisfied. It\'s the mod that probably had the fewest updates, and was the most stable. But then JA came out. And 1.5 of Jedi Academy mod for JK2 was going to be the last. Since most people jumped over to JA, JK2 was kinda left behind. Then, several people decided they liked JK2 better and went back - only to find that idle hands are the devil\'s tools. Some bored \"hackers\" (and I use that term loosely) discovered an exploit in the 1.5 mod that would allow that person to join empowered and with full admin access. This was wreaking havoc on JK2 servers. ChosenOne was contacted by many regarding this exploit, but having moved on to other things, Chosen didn\'t intend to update his mod. Instead, he handed over the code to Orion who has now, finally, thankfully updated the mod and fixed the exploit for this favorite mod for JK2. So if you run a JK2 server and you like the JA mod, but didn\'t use it because of the exploit, go ahead and download 1.6. It should fix that exploit and once again bring order and peace to your server. :) Good work Orion. Can\'t wait to see what you do with the JAR mod for Jedi Academy! ~AmosMagee
It\'s been so long since we\'ve seen an update to the Jedi Academy mod for JK2, so I\'m not going to quote the last review. I\'m just gonna give you a whole new one. :) Jedi Academy mod was a
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