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Rebels To Clones SP

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-06-18 22:06:00
11 просмотров
model overwrite replacing the New Republic trooper (aka Rebels) with the Galactic Republic basic clonetrooper. However, two-sentence reviews are kind of lame, so let's have a challenge and try to get at least eight more sentences (excluding this one) without padding. Despite the fact there are few instances of New Republic troopers throughout the game fans of the prequel trilogy will welcome the change (1/8). Clonetroopers are much cooler than the trashcan cops, which is also a benefit for the spawners who like to take a posse with them (2/8). As simple as this mod is, it will be to someone's tastes (3/8). The effects of this file will also spread to multiplayer, which is also neat for clonetrooper fans among the MP lot (4/8). This mod will also be of interest to those trying to "hi-res" the game, since [url="http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Clonetrooper;3670"]Niblem Deamos did a great job with this model's[/url] detail levels (5/8). Bot support is also included, however custom sounds are not (6/8). Bug-wise there's a few minor mesh deformation issues, but they honestly do not show that much unless you're looking for them specifically (7/8). Nothing at all that stops you from using this for both yourself and your Rebel NPCs though (8/8). A good choice of model replacement for those who like their prequel trilogy stuff. For the rest of you, it serves as a good opportunity to walk up to prequel characters and kill them with fire. Take it or leave it. :P    ~Mikouen
It's never been terribly easy to find much to say about these kinds of thing other than "it's a model replacement changing [i]x[/i] to [i]y[/i]", because that's really what they are. In this case a
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