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Jedi Knight II
Single Player
Single Player Kyle Armor Replacment

Single Player Kyle Armor Replacment

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-08-21 22:08:00
15 просмотров
silver armoured ninja type Kyle. I know my description there sounds a little bizarre, but trust me, this is a really cool skin! Around Kyle’s head is a headband with a symbol on it, although I am not sure exactly what it is. It is the headband I think that gives him that ninja look. ;) Added to that is some very well textured black and silver armour, which looks great. The brushed aluminium type effect on the silver areas looks really good, and overall I think the armour looks excellent. :) Bearing in mind that this is actually meant as a replacement for the Single Player Kyle model (see screenies below) I wasn’t expecting it to work in Multiplayer, but it does, and what is more it also has team skins. Unfortunately though the team skins only really look like the ordinary Kyle, except that they both have the ninja style headband on. All in all a really cool new Kyle skin here, one that I think will work well in Singleplayer. The main thing I would suggest working on in the future though, is perhaps doing two different versions, one for only the Singleplayer side of the game, and one just for the Multiplayer side of the game with better team support and perhaps some new sounds. Then we can have double the fun! ;) [b]New Sounds:[/b] No [b]Bot Support:[/b]No [b]Team Support:[/b] Yes [b]Remember, this skin is meant as a replacement for the Singleplayer Kyle skin first and foremost, but it also works in Multiplayer![/b] ~Nozyspy~
Kyle Katarn may be our much-loved hero, but he has rather simple tastes in fashion. So its time for him to be given another makeover! This time by Raziel. What we have here is a sort of black and
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