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Jedi Battlefield Duel Music

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-23 23:11:00
13 просмотров
small music mod by Darkesword. It replaces the standard duel music with a composition called \"Bury Me on the Jedi Battlefield\" by Shariq & Sadd Ansari. The song is slightly melancholy and thoughtful, a somber overtone to a players\' duel. This is a good mod in my opinion, as I like the replacement song. It reminds me of the slower or sad scenes in the Star Wars movies, like when a Jedi died. And it\'s nice to have something of this genre after all the upbeat \"I\'m gonna kick you butt\" duel music. Give it a try, and if it\'s not for you, please, edumacate yourself. ;) Technical Data: Pros: 1. Refeshingly unique. Cons: 1. None. Rating: 8/10 JEDIofONE :mepimp:
Well...hmm...It\'s been a while hasn\'t it? Anyways, for those of you who didn\'t care or didn\'t notice, I am back! Woot! Yeah, I was netless for a while, but did I mention I was back? This is a
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