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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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REAL Sounds

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-10-11 22:10:00
11 просмотров
that the sounds are of the highest quality as opposed to being just movie rips, and I agree that they\'re high quality in themselves. They greatly increase the accuracy of the sounds heard without losing the integrity of the files, and they certainly do not over-do it. The default Bryar pistol now sounds like Han Solo\'s modified BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, which makes it feel like a much stronger gun, even if it\'s an instrinsically weak gun. The sound of the laser bolt hitting walls now has a brighter ping instead of just the indescript \"pfsh.\" The BlasTech E-11 rifle also has an updated sound that makes the blasts sound stronger, except that I did not like the rapid-fire sound; it was mushy compared to the rest of the sounds in the mod, and I think that it should have been more staccato. The sounds of the disruptor rifle now make a lot more sense with this mod. Before, we heard a strange sound when it\'s fired that doesn\'t sound anything like a laser blast, even if it is a hit-scan weapon. The mod changes it to a sound that actually sounds like a laser blast; the sound now matches the image. Not all sounds of guns have been changed, and I didn\'t find any other sounds that stood out as making the gun any better, except for the bowcaster, which also has a similar sound to the first two blasters; it also now sounds stronger, more of a punch instead of the original blurp sound of it. The author also modified the sounds of Force powers; the lightning sound is now quieter but sounds more powerful, which was merely okay, but not a great change. What I really liked was the Force shove, pull, and jump modifications. I really disliked the default sounds for the game, which sound like someone blowing air out of his/her mouth or sucking air into it. The sounds are now more subtle, and now have a more delightful, shorter whoosh, which is more accurate to the films. Just for this, this mod is staying in my base folder. Great job, neo, especially for a first-timer. I hope you can expand your capabilities of modding for next time, because we really could use more of your good taste. —Ra-Kom Note: the readme is out of date; the installation instructions are to place the included PK3 into your GameData/base folder.
Sounds rating: * * * (out of four) — 7/10 New modder neo brings us a small but satisfying sound mod that changes various sounds, including some of the guns\' and Force powers\' sounds. He claims
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