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Jedi Knight II
Startup Screens
Lord Of The Rings Start-Up Screen

Lord Of The Rings Start-Up Screen

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-19 22:08:00
8 просмотров
with a spear in his hand. The Aragorn picture was already used in another start-up screen. There was a problem with the start-up screen and that was the Aragorn picture is covered up by the buttons. There are no new buttons and no new sounds, which is very disappointing. The problem with all these start-up screens is that the people who make the start-up screens don't make the pictures, all they do is make the pictures fit on the start-up screen. The look of the text is kind of strange to look at because it is separated instead of having it all together Overall this Start-up screen is quite plain, but the good thing is that you have something different to look at. So for all you Lord Of The Rings fans this is the start-up screen for you, unless you like one of the others. I was really disappointed to see that there were no new sounds or new buttons. Maybe Topp_matt can make another version with all those things included. -XgamerX New Sounds: No New Buttons: No
Topp_matt brings us yet another Start-up screen, but this time it is a LOTR (Lord Of The Rings) one. On the left it has Gollum sitting on a rock and on the right it has Aragorn riding a brown horse
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