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Spiderman 2 Startup Screen

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-15 22:08:00
12 просмотров
really need three of the same image kinda haphazardly thrown together into a startup screen for JK2? I certainly don't. And really, that's all this is, is three pics of Doc Ock. There are no new sounds, the buttons haven't changed and there's just no real design changes at all. Am I being harsh? Meh. I'm being ... apathetic. I've never understood the point of a startup screen. How long do you actually spend time looking at it? You start it up, click a button and then you're like, playing. So you spend a total of 2.3 seconds staring at the screen? Bah. I say leave it as it is and don't bother downloading a startup screen at all. But, that's just me. If you're a huge fan of all things Spiderman and must have this startup screen of Doc Ock, then by all means, download it! ~AmosMagee
As I sit here, staring at this startup screen devoted to Doctor Octopus from Spiderman, I have to wonder what more I can say about it. I mean, sure, the image of Doc Ock has wowed fans, but, do you
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