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Sotus 3.0

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-14 22:09:00
7 просмотров
anyway: [quote] If you think you\'re seeing similar screenshots on the site, that\'s because you probably are! Lee-Xai brings us Sotus, the latest in his Super Lightsaber series, but not much has changed from the last version. Actually, I didn\'t notice one difference. But hey, it STILL isn\'t mod compatible and STILL doesn\'t separate the effects into another PK3. But I\'m sure there is some kind of difference that I haven\'t noticed. [/quote] Lee-Xai has quite the imagination. :) He\'s created this saber mod, Sotus, or Saber of the Undestructable Sithlord. I would hope he\'s indestructible since his saber is made of a black hole! The hilt he included is a bit larger than most and is supposed to have a picture of a black hole on it. I don\'t see it, but okay. :) The core is a bit wider than the one we\'re used to that Raven created and it has an interesting design in it. Now here\'s a good example to why I don\'t like saber mods in general. I love the design in the core, it looks great in 3 of the 6 colors, but with the animations, it gets distorted, of course. That\'s what bugs me. The distortions are too distracting for me. The author went so far as to include mod compatibility for this saber mod, I\'m surprised he didn\'t also include new sounds for the saber. Then again, maybe that\'s best. Most sounds I hear for the saber that people include are usually too harsh, too loud. So, overall, I\'d have to say this is a decent saber mod. Nice for a little change if you want one. Oh, and be sure you read the readme. There\'s a little story there about the creation of this saber. As I said before, Lee-Xai has quite the imagination. :) ~AmosMagee
Here\'s Chrono\'s review of the first version of Sotus, which was actually 4.5, but called Supersaber or something like that and this updated one is 3.0. Yeah, I\'m confused too, but here ya go
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