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Chiss Jedi and Sith

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-12-16 00:12:00
5 просмотров
The jedi version has a white torso, while the sith version has a black torso with face paint. The face paint on the sith version looks like it was painted on with Paint. While itdoesn’t look bad, a tiny bit of blurring on the edges would have improved it. Also making colors match where the skin switches what part of the face it’s on (the nose is an example) would make it better. Also the pants of the jedi version looked dull, almost monochromatic. They should look something a bit more like pants. But, all in all, if you’re not too picky about detail, then this isn’t a bad skin to use. And Sithmaster555, I have to say, that you’re getting better at skinning. :) Have a +9 pen of drawing, although you put the shader for the skin in the wrong folder. :p It should be in a shaders folder, which should be in the same folder as your models folder. Bot Support: No Team Support: Yes New Sounds: No ~Zach
Well this is a reskin of the chiss model, with Jedi and Sith versions. The basic skin looks like the regular chiss uniform, only with almost everything turned white, and kind of purplish white hair.
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