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Dante Reskin

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-12-10 00:12:00
6 просмотров
Reborn reskins, not always all that great[/i].' So I look inside the email, and I find out who it is from. None other than Graves himself, creator of the original model. Anyway, Graves wanted to update the skin, to make it look better. In my personal opinion, he succeeded. The clothing is more realistic than the original skin, as is the hair and face. I especially like the new face. Though it doesnt remind me much of Dante, I still find it a better one than the original. The model itself has no changes, which I find a bit saddening. I would have loved to see a DMC3 version of the model, or at least it being converted to JK3 format so that both sabers can move freely in all moves if used in JK3. To be honest, it would be better to take a look at it yourselves than just read my words about it. Give it a download, it's worth it. :p Bot Support: Yup NPC Support: Yup New Sounds: Yup Team Support: Yup
So I get up this morning, do a review that I forgot to do last night, and check the inbox again. I see a file called Dante Reskin, and I sigh and think to myself, '[i]Dante reskins are sort of like
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