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Darth Kaldor

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-03-19 00:03:00
4 просмотра
that anyone could use it. At first glance, it looked as if the entire top of the skin had been paintbucketed black. However, when I looked a lot closer, and turned off the light to get rid of the conflicting light, I saw that there was indeed a texture there. The texture I saw there appeared to be a slightly modified Imperial Officer texture, just without color, and very very dark. The gloves and boots also seem to have been taken from the same place, with only the gloves slightly modified to be brown. The face seems to have been paintbucketed completely black. As for the pants, they are a light blue with a red stripe down each side. They sort of do not fit in to the dark skin... That being said, I do have to add on that many thing can be done to improve this skin. First off, I'd suggest that the textures not be made to be so dark, even if they are supposed to be sith-like. Second, get a real face. Paintbucketed skins never work out well. Third, try creating something new, instead of using modified textures from other models. Though this could use some work, it is not the worst thing I have seen out there. Keep up the skinning, and you should be fine. You all know the drill, give this a download if it seems like something you would like. Bot Support: No Team Support: No Npc Support: No New Sounds: No
Ladies and Gentlemen, boy and girls, Jedi and Sith, I have for you all a reskin of the reborn model, titled Darth Kaldor! Though it is a personal skin, symbols and text names have not been added so
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