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Darth Vouze

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-06-12 00:06:00
9 просмотров
sign. Sadly, this skin made me want to play Runescape. There are two major things wrong with this. 1. You\'ve tried to make a Sith Lord from a Neo model? 2. The skinning job itself is just... blugh. What we have here, is a Neo model with his hands and torso colored solid red, the head a maroon color with black spattered all over, and white eyes. First issue, the hands and torso. Flesh is not flat red. I\'ve seen a tray full of red emulsion paint with more color variation in it than this, I\'m sorry to say. Second issue, it\'s painstakingly obvious where the neck connects to the torso. The colors used contrast completely, and no attempt at blending has been made. Third issue, is the outfit. I believe Sith Lords prefer robes, cloaks, and other such articles. I\'ve never seen a sith wearing a t-shirt and leather pants. His outfit is probably due to the model choice, but just the fact that it\'s a Matrix model automatically renders it as an invalid platform for a Star Wars character. Either way, at least some skinning could have been done to make it look more Jedi Knight-ish. Personally, I think this skin is bad. It\'s obvious that not a lot of work has been put in, and most of the \"reskinning\" consists of liberally spraying flat colors around. The download link is there, as always. Just be aware that this [i]will[/i] overwrite the original Neo model, if you have it. ~ Kouen [b]Bot Support:[/b] Yes [b]NPC Support:[/b] No [b]Team Skins:[/b] Yes [b]Custom Sounds:[/b] Yes
Once every so often, a file comes along which makes me say \"Oooo-kay....\" and gives me a sudden urge to play Runescape. Considering my negative opinion of Runescape, that\'s not a good
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