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Fisto Diety

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-27 00:09:00
5 просмотров
exactly. The skin is kinda camoflauge with green black and white splotches all over. His skin is ghostly white and his tentacle things are jet black. His face is that of a skeleton. Maybe this is more like Halloween Fisto? Meh. But that\'s not all! There\'s also team skins. The red version is called Fisto the Damned. His eyes are blacked out and he seems to have some paint under his eyes and on his head and chin. Unless some of that is blood. His robe looks like wrinkled satin to me. *shrug* His skin is also that pale ghostly white, but it seems that his fingers have been dipped in blood. Creepy. The blue skin is named Fisto in Hell Froze Over - no, wait - maybe Fisto as Sub-Zero? Well, either way, it\'s apparent that Justifide was going for an icy look here. This skin also has that white flesh thing going on, but instead of blacked out eyes, his are white. His face seems frosted. Maybe if he were made a bit transparent, he\'d appear more as an icy ghost, which is what I sorta see him as. Now while this is a complete package here, with bot support, team skins and new sounds, I am just not all that fond of this skin. To be honest, I don\'t like the default skin at all. The face isn\'t that convincing and just looks almost clown-ish to me. In fact, I prefer the red skin out of all of them. He kinda has that haunted look to him. The fingers looking as if they\'ve been dipped in blood and the question of what\'s on his head is just a small detail, but it forces my imagination to fill in the blanks. And so the question if it\'s blood or just face paint lingers in my mind. Of course, I think it\'s blood and then I wonder where that blood came from and then I\'m like, thoroughly creeped out. What really bugs me about these skins is that they really have nothing to do with one another. I really appreciate creativity on the team skins, but not so much that they don\'t even have one continuous theme, y\'know? Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Yes ~AmosMagee
Justifide created this interesting skin of a Nautolan. The default skin even the author isn\'t sure of what it is. He\'s sort of calling it the Voodoo Fisto. Um, I\'m not sure that name fits,
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