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Jedi Fencer

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-10-22 00:10:00
4 просмотра
again. This time Forloc has taken a little extra time and changed the clothing too - to a lovely shade of brown. I like brown - I even wear brown - but this thing looks strange. For instance the crotch area looks really funky. Somehow it reminds me of Kyle Katarn after falling in the garbage pit, except with matching pants. It's really quite straight forward. Jedi Trainer, with no beard, smudgey face, and brown clothes. No extras. No overwrite this time. You like brown? Go for it.[/quote]The only thing that really seems different here is the face. The facial hair has been blurred and has lost all its detail, which somehow actually makes it look nicer (go figure), and instead of blending the face into the neck, the author did the opposite and blended the neck into the face. The results? It looks like his neck is covered in a 2-inch thick coat of base. That's make-up, boys. There are a lot of ways to go about blending, and all of them take practice, but at least this skin no longer has the hard edges it did before. However next time having the neck and face have the same skintone would be better. Still, nothing extraordinarily exciting about this skin. It looks like the entire thing has been de-contrasted to give it a softer look, and at closer inspection the torso texture has been replaced with one of the Jedi model's torso textures, but when it comes right down to it it's still just... brown. Bot Support: No Team Support: No New Sounds: No NPC Support: No ~Inyri
If you missed the first version of the Jedi Fencer, here is the review: [quote]Well, I don't know how many times in one day I have to see a Jedi Trainer with a smudged face, but here we have it
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