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KotOR Dark Jedi

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-27 00:09:00
7 просмотров
little about the game or the characters in it. So I\'m going to have to take the word of the author of this skin when he says that this reskin of a Reborn is what a Dark Jedi from the KotOR looks like. Though I hope that KotOR was a bit more creative than this. From the little flesh that we can see on this skin, you have to assume that this Dark Jedi doesn\'t see much of the sun. The skin around his seemingly dead eyes is colorless and sallow. His clothing is not much different from what you\'d expect on a Reborn. Gray to match his lifeless skin and black to help him blend in with shadows. There isn\'t much about this skin that is even close to interesting. Gray and black? Blah. The only point of interest would be the mask covering half of his face. This skin isn\'t worth downloading at all. Not only does it lack creativity, there\'s no bot support or team support and it\'s stuck with the same taunt and sounds of it\'s base, the Reborn. Let\'s see if your next skin is a better, R-B!n. Bot Support: No Team Colors: No New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
Now a game I just never got interested in was Knights of the Old Republic. Maybe it\'s simply because I\'ve never played an RPG (Roleplaying Game) before, I dunno. So suffice it to say, I know very
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