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Kyle the Socceroo

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-01-22 00:01:00
10 просмотров
player, given that most soccer uniforms are short sleeved shirts and shorts. Instead of trying to emulate this the author simply left Kyle in long sleeves and pants. The general color scheme seems basically accurate, although the pictures I saw showed the shorts being green and the socks being yellow, not the other way around. There are some unfortunate and nasty black spots in several areas, including the arm pits, the waist, and the groin area. The green marking on the sleeve also doesn't really fit in any way. The shoulder pad and the holster also seem to be left on, for some reason. Overall, as a fan skin, this skin is alright. As an independent skin, it needs a lot of work. There is no shading to speak of, and the boundaries between colors are not straight. In fact, I would suspect the author simply drew them on with the paint brush tool. This is why you're supposed to use rulers when drawing lines in school - it looks nicer, cleaner, and overall better than doing it the sloppy way. In the end, I just really don't think that Kyle's a great model for a soccer player. He doesn't lend himself well to shorts, I can imagine, and to get things really accurate it needs to be shorts and short sleeves. I must say, though... the Socceroo logo gave me quite a laugh. [b]Team Support[/b]: Default Kyle [b]Bot Support[/b]: No [b]NPC Support[/b]: No [b]New Sounds[/b]: No ~Inyri
Apparently Kyle has joined the national Australian soccer team (football, I know... forgive me for being American). To be honest, this skin looks a lot more like a baseball player to me than a soccer
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