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Lord Desann

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-13 00:08:00
8 просмотров
to wipe out all the good Jedi and take over the universe, y\'know? This reskin of Desann by Vader1122 certainly has a more sinister appeal to it. The Imperial symbols clearly state who\'s side he\'s on. The darker skin, the red eyes - this is definitely what I think Desann should\'ve looked like. Is this a good skin? Um, well, there\'s nothing all that interesting or innovative or creative about this skin. Desann\'s skin and clothes were just made darker and some symbols were stamped onto his armor. This skin uses Kyle\'s sounds with a Reborn taunt, which is frankly, just boring. He does include bot support, but not team support. What this comes down to is, personal preference. I really like the look of a darker Desann. But there are other skins out there that achieve that quality that include new sounds or at least a taunt and team support. Better luck next time. Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: No New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
I am fully convinced that Desann never should\'ve been purple. Okay, so he has that replilian look and some lizards have purple on them, but still. Purple just doesn\'t scream dark evil Jedi trying
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