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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-19 00:09:00
7 просмотров
boots, and hood accents lighter shades of gray. The chest is covered with a disconcertingly smug skull, while the back has a flaming skull on it. The outsides of the thighs have slightly risque artwork, a flaming women floating in front of a \"firebird\". His face is cloaked in darkness, red eyes burning from empty sockets. This is probably not a skin I would use, simply because I\'d rather see the skull on the chest be more of a texture (like replacing the face) than the silkscreened front of a shirt. IMO, skin\'s usually turn out better if \"t-shirt art\" is part of the texturing, unless the intent is to skin a t-shirt or silkscreened clothing. Maybe, if you tone the colors down, or incorporate the colors in the art into the rest of the skin, it will be a bit more balanced. No matter what you choose, keep up the good work and send \'dem skins in! :D Technical Data: Pros: 1) Nice beginning, and a good springboard with lots of possibilities. Cons: 1) Doesn\'t come across as scary as possible, seems more a costume than anything. 2) No bot or team support. Rating: 7/10 Bot Support: No Team Colors: No New Sounds: Yes JEDIofONE :mepimp:
This is a very macabre reskin of the in-game Reborn. MorphiNE apparently created this with the intent of using it himself, since it is named after him. The skin is all black, with gauntlets, a belt,
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