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Mr Ging Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-29 00:08:00
10 просмотров
give him credit for the effort he put into this skin. About the face - well, I'm not even going to give an opinion because he did ask for help on that. So all of you very talented skinners out there, please, take a look at this skin and offer Mr Ging some advice on how to make this a better skin. I kinda can see the look that Mr Ging was going for here, and y'know, I applaud him for his enthusiasm and for asking for constructive criticism on his skin. There's no bot support or new sounds, but he did include team colors. And I'm sure after a bit of advice and help from you guys, Mr Ging will have a great update for us in the near future! :) Bot Support: No Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
Mr Ging has decided to share his personal skin with the JK2 community. Now, keeping in mind that this seems to be his first attempt at skinning and he tried using photos in this skin, well, ya gotta
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