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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2007-06-02 00:06:00
7 просмотров
The boots, in contrast, are white now, but retain the wrapped feeling of the original skin. A lot of details remain from the original skin, such as much of the patterning which has simply been enhanced. Some new details, like the patterns in the middle of the torso and the front of the hood, are completely new. My biggest complaint here is that, while the author claims to have spent a lot of time on this (and I don't dispute that at all) it still has enough of the original reborn in it so that it doesn't look like anything new or original. The changes are mostly details, and as such is still very much looks like a reborn. A more technical problem is viewable on the arms. The author seems to have painted black between the arms on the texture. Unfortunately he also painted black [i]on[/i] the arms, which is clearly visible on the skin at the edge of the seam on the underside of the arm. Beyond that it's a solid design, for a reborn reskin, but I know the masses would probably prefer something a little less reminiscent of a reborn. [b]Team Support[/b]: Default Reborn [b]Bot Support[/b]: No [b]NPC Support[/b]: No [b]New Sounds[/b]: Yes ~Inyri
Here we have a new reborn reskin. This one is mainly grey, with red trim in all the typical places. It features a mask over the bottom portion of the face and some Sith writing down the pant legs.
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