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Sith Mercenary Kyle

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-01-10 00:01:00
7 просмотров
skin has been made paler…Does this make him a Sith? Not really. Is he just pale? Yes. The pants have been darkened, and I think the coat was also darkened, so that it’s almost totally black. I looked at the texture and saw a small lighter patch, and it wasn’t dust on my monitor. There’s been a slight change with the sabers. Your saber hilt is now red and orange, and the blade has been edited as well. For those changes, look at the screenshots. Now, I may be going on a rant, but I feel justified. The author did not change the folder the skin is in, so it overrides the regular mercenary Kyle. The author didn’t even make his own readme! He just took the old readme and added on! How lazy can a person get? It’s not THAT hard to look at a template and edit it…but to just add stuff on? I find that lazy. As for changing the folder…you have to change all of…three, maybe four things? Again, I find this to be a mark of laziness. But I really have nothing against the author. Oh, another thing. This is a note to everyone: Please give us screenshots in JPG format ONLY. Not BMP, not PNG. JPG. And a proper JPG at that! I keep seeing 300-700Kb screenshots out there, when by all means it really shouldn’t take 250Kb. And that’s with Jedi Academy taking the screenshots! Anyways, please try to keep the screenshots in a reasonable JPG format, because our system will not accept a monster 700Kb JPG, and we have to open it and re-save it as a proper JPG. Easy? Sure. But very annoying when you have to do ten. The gist of this is: If your screenshot is over 300Kb in size (and is a jpg) then open it up in paint and resave it. Sorry for the rant. A couple changes, nothing really big. If you like it, check it out. Bot Support: Yes Team Support: Yes New Sounds: No ~Zach
Well, now we have version two of the Sith Mercenary Kyle. Or is it point two? I don’t know. Anyways, a few things have been changed since the last version, and I’ll go over them. First off, Kyle’s
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