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Chewbacca Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-28 00:10:00
7 просмотров
files, which causes this to overwrite the Wookiee model that comes packed with JKA. The only difference between this Chewbacca and the one that comes with the game, is that this one is just colored more gold-ish. Why would a wookiee be gold? *shrugs* With the team colors, the only thing that changes is the color of the sash. Also, the sounds aren\'t even that of the wookiee, they are human sounds. Download this, see if you like it, and if not, delete this and keep the default wookiee. ~Lord Griever~ [b]Team Colors - If you call changing the color of the sash color, then yes New Sounds - No Bot Support - Yes[/b]
Mmkay, so what we have here is a Chewbacca skin. As I mentioned in a previous review of eMZet\'s work, this suffers from the same kind of problem as before. He did not change something in the .skin
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