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[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Sith Terminator from Duality

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-12-03 00:12:00
10 просмотров
I\'ve got him making a Goa\'uld Deathglider and he\'s not even a big Stargate fan! This one, of course, is no exception, it flies great, looks great, the textures are very well done with my only grudge being lack of a metallic shader in some places...then again I have yet to see this on any ships so it\'s not a big thing. The weapons fire looks good, I wish I could say true to the film/show but I don\'t even know what Duality is, nevermind seeing it! It also would have benefitted from new sounds simply because it sound like flying a tie-fighter. Overall another fun ship to add to your flying maps :) -WadeV1589-
Manquesa is someone who is well known for his vehicles, he is currently helping out Raven from Ravensoft! Somehow he has an ability to create extremely nice vehicles from anywhere, in fact right now
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