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Smoke to Blood mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-14 23:11:00
9 просмотров
comes from it, well now its blood. Too bad this wasn\'t out before Halloween. The reason he thought he should make such a mod was because he was disappointed that there was no Blood mod that worked with JKA. I don\'t really like the gore, but hey I bet a lot of the rest of you do :). Overall Krayte Dragon\'s idea to make it for JKA was very good. No wonder he is a Dragon he rips the flesh off your body and lets you bleed to death :). One thing that makes this type of mod a bit less realistic is the fact that because a saber is so hot it won\'t make you bleed if it goes through and that’s why Darth Maul didn\'t bleed when he was hit with the saber and fell down the pit. Good job Krayte Dragon lets see the fairy version of this :P. Like the work! *Starts bleeding again* Damn! I knew I shouldn\'t have tried it on myself... -XgamerX
Krayte Dragon brings us a Blood Smoke Mod. You ask what is that so I shall tell you what it is. The thing that he did is when you swing your saber and hit someone you know the sparks and smoke that
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