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Jin Kazama

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-24 00:11:00
8 просмотров
torso, front and back and up the legs. I really only like the flame on the back (sorry the screenshots are so bright). I\'m not quite sure what the red on the guy\'s arms and hands is, but I\'m guessing it\'s blood. Right, so ... after writing all of this, it finally dawned on me - this is supposed to be Jin Kazama from Tekken! Unfortunately, the one thing the author included didn\'t even work. The taunt in JA is the boring \"Take that!\" This skin is a decent attempt at creating a Jin Kazama, but it just isn\'t pulled off all that well. Maybe if it were tried on a different model? Bot Support: No Team Colors: No New Sounds: Yes (taunt) ~AmosMagee
There are some skins that I really like the concept of, but the actual skin is a bit disappointing. Take this skin for instance. It\'s a Reborn (yes, a Reborn) with white and gold flames on the
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