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-{FaJ} Clan Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-10-26 00:10:00
7 просмотров
second thought, don\'t. You might kill me anyway. This rather simple skin (and don\'t get me wrong - first-time skinners aren\'t forbidden by any law I know of) is for clan -{FaJ}. I could come up with a million different jokes right about now, but seriously. This is a \'reskin\' of the cultist model. It places two different decals on his chest. Yes, you heard me right. No bot support, an amusing taunt, no team colors...but it DOES have a decal on the chest. Come on guys, I said not to throw anything large, give me a break! Anyway, I certainly hope the author decides to continue skinning...but I equally hope he decides to take lessons in design and originality. If I went to work and wrote \"CEO\" on my shirt that doesn\'t make me a CEO. And WackyMonkey, the skin isn\'t lame, just very...very...well...non-detailed. ^_^ - Chrono Team Support: No Bot Support: No New Sounds: Yes
Wait! Before you get excited at the massive file posting ablities of yours truly (you\'d be surprised what a taser and life-threatening letters would do) I beg you to take a look at this file! On
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