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Bain Elite (v2)

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-01-12 00:01:00
8 просмотров
in a while though, I\'ll stumble across a skin that may not meet all of the standards that good skinners usually meet, but I like in spite of it all. This is one of those skins. I really like the chrome effect on this guy. Even his abs have these steel plates that seem to serve as armor. The metal has a dull finish, but still shines in a few areas. The detail on the back is nice and even the helmet has some interesting detail. The face doesn\'t seem to have changed much, if at all. Bot support wasn\'t included with this skin and neither were different skins for team support. However, there is a cloaked version of this skin. Two \"new\" taunts are also in the pk3. They aren\'t really new, because they\'re from the game, but not from this specific model. A good taunt to include for the cloaked version of this skin would\'ve been that one ... \"You can\'t hit what you can\'t see\" ... but the two taunts that are there are variety enough. I like this skin and all I can ask the author of Bain Elite to include in his future work is team support. [/quote] Okay, so it seems the author read the last line in my review of his first version because he definitely included team support for this one. But he really changed the default skin - drastically. In his first version, Bain Elite was all metal-y and tech-y ... and yes, I\'m making up my own words. :P Then in his second version, he surprises me, at least, with a yellow and orange skin. There\'s only accents of metal here and there, and most of the tech feel is gone. I kinda like the old version better. :/ One thing I\'m happy about is that the author included team support - the only thing I don\'t like about it is that, well, it just looks weird ... the yellow, red and orange together just don\'t work for me. There\'s no new sounds, but the author did include a bunch from the game. Let\'s see what else you can do - try a new model next time! :) Bot Support: No Team Colors: Yes New Sounds: Um, not really ~AmosMagee
My review of the first version: [quote] More often than not, I review skins that I just don\'t like. Even if I give a good review, it\'s not always the case that I personally like the skin. Once
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