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Camotrooper v2

Добавил: The DSystem
2005-02-01 00:02:00
10 просмотров
because it has no bot support, team skins or new sounds - the skin actually has gaps in areas. It\'s a camouflaged trooper, which is not a novel idea, but it could\'ve been a decent skin if more had been done with it. Then again, this is the guy\'s first skin. So I\'ll give you credit for at least a good try. [/quote] Um, this pretty much looks like the same skin. It\'s missing some ... stuff. And there\'s still no bot support, no team skins or new sounds. BUT ... there are some shots here that show what the camotrooper looks like when he\'s being all stealthy and hiding in plants and stuff. Bot Support: No Team Colors: No New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
My review of the first (same?) version of this skin: [quote] I\'m not sure if you can tell from the screenshots or not, but this skin isn\'t exactly complete. No, I don\'t mean incomplete just
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