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Inverted Reborn

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-02-17 00:02:00
9 просмотров
basic skins go you cant get any more basic that this, the author has literally opened the .jpg’s in a graphics program, probably Adobe Photoshop and inverted the colours, this can by done pressing shift + I in Photoshop, yet amazingly you get quite a nice little skin, that defiantly appeals to me. There is one thing that lets this basic skin down though, and that is the fact that in the team colours aspects of the body are missing, so u can see through them. ~Wolf Team Colours: Yes Bot Support: No New Sounds: No
Okay we have yet another reborn skin, but some how after all the reborn skins that have ever been made, this one seems to be original, or at least I haven’t seen one like it before. As far as
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