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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2004-08-03 00:08:00
8 просмотров
this skin just doesn't measure up. Without bot support, team colors, or any sounds (which as you all know IMO are necessities), the only thing left to give it a good rating would be the design theory or graphics. In this case, there's nothing. MSPaint simply can't cut it as a graphics program, even with the most experienced and skilled of artists. The white flattens the original textures, and adds little to the skin. Furthermore, the right foot doesn't match the left one unless you use the "red" skin (making the reason/red.skin the real default *.skin file). This skin needs to be taken back to the drawing board. Technical Data: Pros: 1) N/A Cons: 1) No necessities. 2) Flat textures. 3) MSPaint 4) Bugged skin files. Rating: 1/10 Bot Support: No. Team Colors: No. New Sounds: No. JEDIofONE :mepimp:
This is a re-color of the in-game Reborn_New model. AngeLReasoN has submitted his personal skin. The default Reborn_New skin has been covered with patches of flat white "texture". Unfortunately,
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