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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-11 00:11:00
12 просмотров
first, kinda had me worried. Already I\'m tired of seeing the Rosh reskins, but these aren\'t just any Rosh reskins. The first padawan, is Anakin, with dark robes and light hair. Vermill follows Anakin with the same skin tone, but, correct me if I\'m wrong, he has pink hair and khaki robes. Not sure if that\'s a color combination I like. Oh well. Chalactan ... not sure who this is, but the face is ... interesting. His clothes don\'t differ even slightly from the Vermill skin, but he looks great anyway. Again, no change in the robes for this next padawan, who is so distinctly Chiss. :) Next up we have my favorite skin of this pack, that of Dante. Love the color choice for the robes here. Windu is in the classic padawan dress here and the look suits him. Finally there\'s the sith Anakin padawan, looking quite dark and evil in his all black. Mars certainly gave you variety with this skin pack, but not much else. There\'s no team support for any of these skins, but that would\'ve been a lot of skins to add, huh? I guess I shouldn\'t complain. :) No new sounds were added either. But bot support is included and Mars reminds us in the readme that these guys are padawans. Their skill level is that of padawans. :) Except for Anakin. He\'s like, special and stuff. Good job, Mars - can\'t wait to see what else you have in store for us! :D Bot Support: Yes Team Colors: No New Sounds: No ~AmosMagee
One of Mars\' indisputably greatest talents is skinning. His first skin pack is that of some Padawan Learners. Some names I recognize, most I do not. They\'re all based on the Rosh model, which at
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