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Count Dooku VQ007

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-24 00:11:00
12 просмотров
with bot support, team colors and (supposed) new sounds. I say supposed, because the PK3 is indeed packed with various MP3 files. But maybe something in the .skin files weren\'t written correctly? *shrugs* Sound problems aside, this is a great looking skin! I have a poster here in my room with Dooku on it, and I have to say this skin is amazingly true to the persona shown by Christopher Lee as Count Dooku. The face especially is great. All of his other features are present as well, including the chain across his cloak. The team colors aren\'t much to brag about, just simple recoloring of the cloak, which isn\'t a bad thing! Overall, a very nice looking skin. Well done! Only thing wrong with this skin is the non-working sounds. If they work for any of you, post here with a notification please! ~Lord Griever~ [b]Bot Support - Yes Team Colors - Yes New Sounds - Yes?
Quigon007 brings us this reskin of the Count Dooku model. He reskinned it because he believe the original skin that came with the model wasn\'t all that it could be. This skin comes fully loaded
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