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Jedi Academy Minimizer

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-26 22:09:00
15 просмотров
care of immediately. What do you do? How can you get to the program without popping out of the game and losing all your hard-earned points. Well, I’ll tell. We now have the utility everyone has been waiting for, a minimizer for Jedi Academy. It works in single player it works in multiplayer. It works everywhere you want it to work as long as it’s in Jedi Academy. The hotkeys are customizable, as would be expected, and everything seems to work perfectly. So start your downloads now because I have a feeling this one is going to popular. Have at it. - Daku
So you’re in the middle of a big battle and you’re winning. You’re up by 20 points and the game is nearing an end but you get an IM. You get a bunch of IMs. They’re urgent and they need to be taken
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