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MauDae\'s JK3 Killtracker

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-11-14 23:11:00
12 просмотров
didn\'t like it too much, it says you need to get an additional software called Microsoft\'s .NET Framework 1.1, which is just an additional program of junk on your system and my system is running out of room :O. One nice thing sort of is the built in winamp player although I still prefer a normal winamp because it replies to the KT quicker. He didn\'t add too much from the last one, which isn\'t too bad. Now if you go to the JK3files server you already know that you can\'t use KTs so there is something that won\'t be good if you get this. He changed some commands, and some of them he just changed their name. I only think this is good if you want to track your kills like it was made to do, I wouldn’t use it for the music part just get the Winamp Controller. MauDae I personally think the KT would be much better without the Framework and make it like the old KT. In the end the KT isn’t too amazing compared to his last ones because they are all pretty much the same. I like the new design though although it looks big, I still like it. I really wished we didn’t need that Framework software, but oh well he must have put it in there for a good reason. One thing that was good is that like all his Kill Trackers, it keeps track of your kills isn’t that amazing! Of course it keeps track of your duels too and unfortunately your deaths :(. So if you really want a KT that will last you then get this one till the next update comes out. Good Job MauDae, but I wish that Framework wasn’t there :-/. -XgamerX
MauDae brings us yet another Kill Tracker, but this time it\'s for JA! When I heard about it for the first time I thought cool we get to see more kill trackers, but I tested it and I said man! I
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