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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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RCON Master for Jedi Academy

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-08 23:02:00
10 просмотров
first helpful tools for server hosters in this particular series. Now, having moved on to a more modern engine, additional tools are necessary to ensure the safety of home-grown -- or even rented -- servers. All server hosts should know about rcon -- remote control. There are various utilities out there allowing more rcon control, however in case you didn\'t think there were enough we\'ve got another one here. I\'ve had a look at it and if it works like advertised I\'m relatively impressed. I mean I\'ve seen rcon programs before. Most of them are either confusing or... well... small, with not very many functions. This particular utility features a custom-made piece of software to allow you the greatest amount of control for your server from your desktop. The basics are included, like server status and kicking/banning utilities, however the rest of the commands you might find yourself needing are all there, arranged in easy-to-use menus. Check the screenshots for a better idea of how this particular utility works. Keep in mind that the author has dubbed this a \'beta\'. Be sure to use it out and report any bugs so he can improve the software for future versions. ~Inyri
Control has always been one of the most important things for game servers back since the dawn of multiplay. I am reminded of the wonderful JK Kicker Helper back in the Dark Forces 2 days, one of the
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