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Knights of the Old Republic
Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge Teaser Trailer 3

Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge Teaser Trailer 3

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-27 00:12:00
11 просмотров
good to see an update here and there just to give the people waiting for a mod the comfort that it hasn’t been abandoned. This one of those rare times where I just download and watch a video to review and I must say that the scene the author chose to show us all was fun to watch. We see Solomon, who is the expanded character this mod is based on and Matilda, the female Twi’lek the author created from the original mod on the planet of Taris conversing. This video is four minutes and twenty seconds long. I won’t say too much about what happens because it is a spoiler and if you don’t really want to be spoiled about the upcoming mod, I wouldn’t watch it. I will say this though. This video gives you the opportunity to see that the new character, Solomon is a voiced character. From the scene in the video, it seems that the character is well voiced and convincing. He has a deep voice, with a very serious countenance. That alone should get you excited for this upcoming incredible mod. Enjoy! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
It’s nice to get an update to a big project that is in the works. As many of you have been following the work of Silveredge9 and his Brotherhood of Shadow expansion pack, I must say that it’s always
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