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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Canderous' Mandalorian Items

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-17 00:12:00
5 просмотров
armour and helmet - which it seems to me are based of what Mandalore wears in TSL. For me the most exciting aspect of the mod, is the wonderful chain gun Sithspecter has modelled, its three barrels of pure awesome! Finally he also gave Canderous his own implant, and gave him the full implant tree (which makes a lot of sense to me, as implants are meant to be Canderous' thing. When you first see him in the Lower City, you will see him wondering around with all the new equipment, though he won't be wearing the helmet. When he joins you in Davik's estate you get the items added to your inventory! Enjoy! -- jonathan7 Please leave the author praise and constructive criticism; which are often far more valuable than rating mods... [b][url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/news/For_Your_Ease_of_Refernece_the_Mod_Rating_System_in_a_Nutshell;39957]Mod Rating[/url]: Advanced [/b]
My friend Sithspecter brings us a wonderful mod, and indeed it is mods like this that I love reviewing. An awful lot of effort and skill has gone into this Mod; which gives Canderous his own custom
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