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Darth Vader's ROTJ Lightsaber

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-08-23 00:08:00
12 просмотров
of style) had the same dull metal tube. Evasto decided to pay a bit of tribute to the original (as in, the first one we see on screen) Sith Lord - Darth Vader. This mod gives the Sith (red) sabers an eye-catching silver and black hilt like the one we see Vader using in ROTJ. This will hopefully make all you Sith out there a little happier to continue the tradition of kicking Jedi butt in style. [b]Note:[/b] Please leave comments and/or feedback for the author. It's the only form of payment anyone gets for fan art. Detailed feedback on what you liked or did not like about the mod will certainly encourage the author to make more and better mods in the future. Review by Allronix
The saber hilts of K1 were functional, but had all the charm of an office cubicle - dull gray, functional, and nothing interesting to see. Even the Sith (who tend to prove in SW that evil has a sense
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