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MaddogK's Long Saber

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-10-25 00:10:00
7 просмотров
boring one you get on Korriban after you go into the tomb of "[i]Naga Sadow[/i]". This one includes heavily increased stats, a new hilt, and some others stuff that I will list below... Modified Hlit New Custom Crystal Hilt Stats ------------- Defense Bonus vs. Racial Group: Droid: +8 to +29 Defense Attack Bonus: +24 or more Blaster Bolt Deflection: Increase: +8 Damage Bonus: +25 to +42 Enhancement Bonus: +3 Keen Massive Criticals On Hit Properties: Stun: Duration 25% for 2 rounds Defense Bonus: Melee: 3 Now as you all can plainly see these stats are [b]THROUGH THE ROOF[/b], you will basically be able to take down all of the Sith with that lighsaber easily. This lightsaber also fetures a Crystal in it that is a sort of Aqua Blue, but don't let this fool you at all it as you can see from the damage factors I put there this is a saber to be reconed with. So I hope you all enjoy this mod as I know you all will, and before I forget I wanted to say to the author Welcome to Filefront and I hope we may see more [b]AWESOME[/b] stuff like this come from you in the future.;) [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -SithRevan
Have any of you guys ever though that on korriban when you get the Sith Lightsaber it is knida boring? Well that is what Lord_MalaKdoggK though because he has made a new lightsaber to replace the
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