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Brotherhood of Shadow

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-09-26 22:09:00
14 просмотров
Patch http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Brotherhood_of_Shadow;83032 Just like I expected, the Brotherhood of Shadow mod has been a very successful download here at KotorFiles. Reason being like I stated in the original review is that it adds a new storyline and the idea of doing a new quest will interest [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] fanatics. In the history of mod making, I have never seen a big project like this to never have any bugs. There’s so much to keep track of that, especially if you’re doing it solo that you’re going to overlook stuff. This is why the TSLRP is taking so long to get released is because they want to release a bug free mod and I think it will be worth the wait. I’m very impressed how that project has been handled when I read the reports. Silveredge9 did get some help from Stoffe with this mod. Stoffe is an expert with KOTOR scripting and if something is able to be fixed, she’ll know how to fix it. Will there be other bugs to fix? We’ll have to wait and see. Just keep reporting the bugs you find and maybe another patch will have to be made. Maybe the author will release a final bug free version once the bugs quit being reported. The TSL Patcher is used to install this mod and will automatically fix what needs to be fixed when you run the installer. Make sure you install the mods in order; the original release, the 1.01 patch, then this patch. Enjoy the fixes! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
Get these mods first. Brotherhood of Shadow http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Brotherhood_of_Shadow;83006 1.01
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