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Endar Spire Dialogue Enhancement

Добавил: The DSystem
2012-06-30 22:06:00
9 просмотров
the dialogue and adding a few more dialogue options for the PC. On top of adding more flavor to the game, some of the dialogue options have been adjusted to add a small amount of dark or light side points. A little extra for those wanting something more tangible out of mods. You may notice that there are more dark side dialogue options than light side. This is because I believe in the Jedi teachings that the dark side is much easier to follow than the light. I might add more light side options in the future if I\'m feeling ambitious. This is my very first mod and took me a few hours so please leave me some feedback :)
I\'ve always felt that the dialogue in Kotor was a little too simple and lacked much of the variety that Kotor II has. This mod adds a little more flavor to the Endar Spire by restructuring some of
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