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Blue Twi'lek as PC

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-30 22:04:00
14 просмотров
one is a female Twi'lek, whom we shall refer to as Edith, because it's easier than the alternatives. Edith is a blue-skinned Twi'lek while on the Light Side or neutral, but, falling to the Dark Side turns blood red, and has Sith Tatoos(tm). Overall, Edith is pretty good, I think - the Sith Tatoos are definitely the strongest part of the mod, and Edith's skin shows some variations in tone, which is a nice touch to see in skins. All to often, the characters are given a uniform pigmentation, which is pretty unnatural. However, I for one am unsure about the sudden switch from blue to red, and think a more subtle transition would work better. Also, Edith's Dark Side eyes should be more mottled. Some veins and a more pale complexion would also suit the canonical effects of falling to the Dark Side better. NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative. -Darth InSidious
Ferc Kast brings us a new playable head, and, for once, it's a female one. All too often on this site, the only selectable head mods are for male characters, creating something of an imbalance. This
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