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New Female Head

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-24 22:04:00
12 просмотров
has replaced many different head selections, party members, and main characters you will run across during your personal game play. This time the author expands a little on her modding ability. In this mod the author takes the model files of the 2nd female Black head selection and re-skins it to become a Caucasian skin. Obsidian did that too. They used that head as a base when they converted it for the 4th female Caucasian head selection for [i]Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords[/i] with some minor changes to the head model. Even Kristy Kistic used both of those head references in both [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] games to make her Athena head selections with some changes to the head model. Instead of replacing it like she’s done in the past, she decides to convert it to become its own head selection. The fact that the author changed the race of the head would require some additional modding because of the underwear outfits assigned to each head and that will require .2da editing in some sort of fashion so why not make it stand on its own without replacing a head, right? ;) This head becomes the 6th female Caucasian head selection. This required changes to the appearance.2da, heads.2da, and portraits.2da work. Unfortunately it does not use the TSL Patcher as I’m guess the author has yet to learn how to use it yet. If you’re someone who has modding skills, but lacks the ability to skin like Darth Jaden, converting it to your personal override folder shouldn’t be a problem. If you don’t have these files that I mention in your override folder, this shouldn’t cause any trouble. These types of mods create opportunities to learn how to use [url=http://kotortool.starwarsknights.com/]The KOTOR Tool[/url]. Doing .2da editing is just like doing work on a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. If that’s easy, then doing this type of editing shouldn’t give you any trouble. Enjoy the mod! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem [b]Note:[/b] This is also the fixed version.
We have been blessed with Darth Jaden’s ability to re-skin to replace existing default textures in the game [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] for over two months now. During this time the author
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