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Mando Items & Reskins

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-05-18 22:05:00
7 просмотров
extremely popular among fans. There have been a lot of reskins of the armor lately, and Pyrros joins the [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] modding community to add even more. However, this mod does more than just change the look of the Mandie armor; it also adds a few new items. First, the reskins. I think they could use a bit more work. Parts of it seem...blurry, like the paint was just sprayed on. I don't know...maybe it's just me. In any case, the Mandalorian armor will now come in colors of black and gold, black and cyan, and red and gold, instead of blue, red, and gold. As for the items, there are five: a melee weapon, a blaster rifle, an implant, a belt, and a pair of gloves. The items give some rather generous bonuses. Not overly generous, for the most part. Well, the implant's bonuses are sort of extreme, and the blaster is pretty overpowered considering it's only a rifle. And the gloves will give an outrageous +7 Strength, but who's going to complain about that? ;) If you're looking for an edge over your enemies, and can't make new items yourself, this mod should certainly help out. NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts. ~JC
More Mandalorian armor reskins? Will these things never end? :P As I was saying...yesterday...reskins of the Mandalorian armor are quite popular, probably because Mandalorians themselves are
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