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Mission Vao as Darth Talon

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-09-30 22:09:00
18 просмотров
black tattoos. Well, DarthParametric making his FileFront debut brings you a mod that uses Darth Talon textures and it is converted into having Mission Vao look like her. The original textures were made two years ago by an author named Nineball and they’re used for this mod release with permission. I almost want to give a standing ovation to the author for that accomplishment since it is a topic I posted a news item about a couple of days ago and how often people were just not doing that. Well, for the textures themselves. It’s well put together, but the contrast is way too high in my opinion. That is something that can be easily fixed in Photoshop if you like the work, but feel the same way I do about the contrast. This mod will not change Mission into a Dark Jedi. If you’re looking at Mission as a Dark Jedi in the screenshots holding dual red lightsabers, just don’t let that deceive you. The author claims there are mods out there that can change that for you, or just use KSE. I actually disagree with the decision of the author, but to each his own. ;) The TSL Patcher is used to install this mod. Enjoy! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
I actually know very little about Darth Talon’s character and the connection to Darth Krayt’s Sith order. However, many people are and very fond of the look of Darth Talon. She’s a red Twi’lek with
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