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Kintaro Light Side Robes

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-04-17 22:04:00
7 просмотров
point regeneration, and immunity to mind-affecting attacks. The robe may only be worn if your player character has a light side alignment. There are a few grammatical errors in the description, and personally I would have used a duller tone of blue, but I suppose that's a matter of taste. If you like the look and the bonuses, give it a download. NOTE: Please leave comments or feedback for the author, especially if you download and use the mod; it's usually the only reward the author receives for their efforts. ~JC
Lukeman774 returns with a new item called the Kintaro Robes to go along with the Kintaro lightsaber. It's a reskin of the Darth Revan armor, with a few added bonuses to Strength, vitality and Force
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