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New Underwear

Добавил: The DSystem
2007-09-06 00:09:00
5 просмотров
question we need to ask ourselves, “Are they really suppose to be wearing underwear since it’s a part of the Star Wars Universe?” The reason I bring this up is I remember Carrie Fisher explaining in an interview once that George Lucas said there is no underwear in space, so she needed to be taped down. If you really want to hear Fisher say that and if you have the Original Trilogy DVD release from 2004, there is a bonus disc that comes with the box set and it’s in the documentation, [i]Empire of Dreams[/i]. Anyway, in [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i], there is underwear and sometimes we have to wonder if they could have improved the way they look. After all, sometimes our characters will be put in positions where they will be wearing their underwear and you will have to see it, so you may as well make it look good, right? RedRob41 makes his FileFront debut with a mod that does a lot of underwear changing. The underwear worn by female Scoundrel PC’s is now a two piece. This idea has been done before, but the other did his own work (I compared files and saw the differences) and made it look smoother when making it two pieces. The next thing to look at is all the difference variants of dark side underwear the author made for both the males and the female PC selections. They’re no longer just boring jumpsuits that BioWare made. The last thing I wanted to mention since this is the highlight of the mod is the new underwear and slave outfit Bastila Shan is given. In fact the author made some changes in the appearance.2da file to give a shining look to the metal on her bra. She’s also given new dark side underwear too. No worries, the TSL Patcher is here to comfort you so you won’t have to mod a thing. I have to admit the new textures are awesome. For a rookie modder, the author sure looked like a veteran with his work. Nice job! I believe I speak for many people when I say I hope we see more from you. Enjoy the new skins! :D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -Shem
One thing most of us humans do when we wear clothing is to wear underwear underneath it. Yeah, so decide to go commando, but in the [i]Knights of the Old Republic[/i] world, everybody wears it. The
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