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PC Recolor Clothes

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-09-18 00:09:00
8 просмотров
clothing for the player character in KotOR. As you can see below, for the most part, it darkens the clothes, which were, in places rather... loud originally :p . However, for the clothing for the 'soldier' class, more severe work has been done, creating a much less colourful effect. The mod is nicely done, if not very complex. Clearly the author has made a good effort with the mod, particularly the aforementioned soldier armour, which looks great; the metal plates now attached to the armour really reinforce the feeling that the armour actually does something, and the dark tone makes it seem a lot more sensible as field armour than the bright blue, brown and orange clothing supplied with the game. Similarly, the toned-down scout and scoundrel clothes look a lot more sensible, and more practical for the real world - the darker scoundrel jacket is a particularly welcome improvement, and makes a lot more sense. After all, there's not much point smuggling when you wander about in a dayglo jacket :p . One criticism to be made of the mod is might be the female scouts' trousers - leather could be seen as a little impractical for scouting. However, not only has the author improved upon the original skin, they have also included new armours, giving bonuses to the various clothes as well, and allowing you to get them in-game, even if you aren't a scout, scoundrel or soldier. However, the author hasn't put them in-game, which might be something else to improve upon :) . Nevertheless, as a whole this is a nice mod, and worth a download if you agree with the author about the original clothes, or would just like a new look to them. Overall, a definite improvement, and worth a download if you agree with the author's assessment of the original default clothing. [b]NB[/b]: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative. -Darth InSidious
[b][url=http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/news/For_Your_Ease_of_Refernece_the_Mod_Rating_System_in_a_Nutshell;39957]Mod Rating[/url]: Advanced[/b] Ecce's new mod alters the default
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